Overlight RPG – GM Screen

Renegade Game Studios
Part# RGS0815


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The world of overlight is a dangerous place, and the path of the skyborn is not an easy one. The responsibility of wielding the Chroma is as much of a burden as it is a gift. The ignorant fear the skyborn and their enemies are everywhere. This is a heavy-duty four-panel game master screen (with art by Kwanchai Moriya), which presents useful charts and information for easy reference during your game sessions. In addition to the GM screen, there is also a 40-page sourcebook (with art by Joanna Barnum). this sourced, the skyborn order and its enemies, provides insights and details on…Five major conclaves of the Skyborn Order; Having PC’s join existing conclaves (or form their own!); Some of the Skyborn Order’s primary adversaries; and notable Skyborn NPC’s that GM’s can weave into their stories.