D&D Classes 101 – The Barbarian

Gabe Gabe

29 Aug 2022

So, you want to get into Dungeons and Dragons but have no idea what to play? Well, sit back and relax because we have you covered. Allow me to teach you the basics of the axe swinging, ale drinking, creature killing Barbarian!

Do you like hitting things? Do you have suppressed anger issues that you’d love to unleash in a blood frenzied rage? Does the idea of big weapons, big damage and an even bigger health pool sound appealing to you? Then congratulations, The Barbarian class might be for you!

The Barbarian is a class found in the Players Handbook and is one of the top tank and damage kings of D&D. Barbarians are strong unarmoured fighters dealing consistent weapon damage and utilizing the power of RAGE! Rage increases damage and durability by giving you a damage bonus and resistance to different damage types depending on your subclass.  

Barbarians focus on weapon damage and usually don’t have access to spells; however, more recent inclusions to the subclass line-up gave barbarians some spellcasting options. With eight subclasses available, there is plenty of opportunities to customize your barbarians flavour to your liking.

To quickly build a basic barbarian, you want to be placing the bulk of your skill points into strength and constitution, along with some dexterity for initiative and armour class. Have fun, and prepare to RAGE!