Game of Phones (new edition)

Ages 13+ , Players 3+ , Players 4+
Part# BGZ110824
RRP: $40.00



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Game of Phones works along the lines of Apples to Apples, with one player serving as judge each round and the other players usually trying to do something so that the judge awards them the point for that round.

For this game, all of the challenges involve you using your smartphone. More specifically, the judge draws a card for the round and reads the prompt to everyone else, e.g., “Find the best #selfie” or “Show the last photo you took” or “Find the weirdest Google Image search result for your name”. Everyone finds something on their phones and shows the judge, who then chooses a winner for that round. The first player to win ten rounds wins the game.

Whether you’re looking for a fun family card game, an icebreaker activity, or a new type of phone game to play with friends, Game of Phones brings people together through the technology we use every day.

Ages 13+
3 – 99 Players
15 Minutes

Do I need a smartphone? Yep! Any new apps needed? Nope!